[Hidden-tech] Beautiful office, furnished, sublet for 1 to 3 days a week, negotiable fee, Downtown NoHo

Sheldon Snodgrass sheldon at steadysales.com
Sat Jan 30 20:38:54 UTC 2021

Howdy HT'rs,

Yup, I know the world has gone remote but many still need a good physical
space to make a great work or meeting place.

If you're tired of your digs or want a real office away from your home
office for solo work or cozy meetings, try this:

   - No long-term lease. Beautifully furnished space for sublet 1-3 days a
   - Private bathroom, private entry and exit, private waiting room. Strong
   - The historic building in downtown Northampton at 43 Center Street has
   invested in a covid inspector. The system for air quality is safe with each
   office having its own airflow and the public spaces having a CDC-approved
   filter that is changed every month.
   - The building also has its own security system.
   - Monthly rent is sliding scale negotiable from $150-350 depending on
   how many days you want it.

Email judith at goldmanphd.com for questions or to see photos.

Best wishes for a healthy and joyful 2021!!

*J. Sheldon Snodgrass*
*Serve Better. Sell More.*

*Watch sales life lessons here
*413-244-2294  SteadySales.com *
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