[Hidden-tech] ISO logo designer/illustrator

claudia at claudiagere.com claudia at claudiagere.com
Sun Jan 10 17:00:44 UTC 2021

I heartily recommend Greg Caulton, greg at gregcaulton.com <mailto:greg at gregcaulton.com> , a very talented savvy designer, with a strong communications bent. 


Best, Claudia


Claudia Gere & Co. LLC

Helping Smart People Become Outstanding Authors TM

 <http://tiny.cc/nameyourbook> http://tiny.cc/nameyourbook




From: Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net> On Behalf Of Lindsey Topham via Hidden-discuss
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 11:06 PM
To: HT-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
Subject: [Hidden-tech] ISO logo designer/illustrator


Hello --


I am looking for a designer or illustrator to help with some logo design / branding help. I'm a candid wedding and portrait photographer here in the valley and would love to give a local person some business. 


Thank you and hope you are all staying healthy.

Lindsey Topham



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