[Hidden-tech] RSS help

Max Hartshorne editorial at gonomad.com
Tue Feb 23 14:43:20 UTC 2021

I've rarely asked for help in the many decades of my HT association. Boy, I can remember when we used to hold wine parties in my cafe in the early 00s with many of those who still read these missives. 
Can someone help me edit my website's RSS feed?
[ https://www.gonomad.com/feed ]( https://www.gonomad.com/feed )

I send out a daily Mailchimp email using RSS of today's travel story, and it's sending out double images. I have a screenshot of the code that shows the duplicate but I can't find where to edit my own RSS feed in Wordpress. Any help?
Max Hartshorne
GoNOMAD.com Travel
P.O. Box 4
9 Mountain Rd.
South Deerfield, MA 01373
[ www.gonomad.com ]( http://www.gonomad.com )
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