[Hidden-tech] possibility: consider standard employment at this healthcare software co

Doug Lowing delowing at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 03:56:05 UTC 2021

Hi Techies -

A thought, entirely up to you. If this seems like spam, please have the
moderators kill it. OTOH, the company could really use help servicing MA

I acknowledge many of you are way ahead of me in technical abilities. If
you want to try working for a company remotely with the usual for-hire
benefits and detractions, I suggest looking at HealthEdge based out of
Burlington MA. I get nothing out of this. Entirely your choice.

I currently work for a company acquired by HealthEdge and they seem to try
to balance life and work. I have worked remotely for the past year for a
company based out of VA because of the pandemic, NP with them. Switched to
the company from Burlington MA, np with them. I would really like to see
extremely competent people  making health software for MA better, bc the
current stuff is, er, really needs improvement.

Doug Lowing
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