[Hidden-tech] Password mess

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie.pluhar at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 12:26:28 UTC 2021

Hi all

I have a client/friend with a Hotmail account she set up 25 (!!) years 
ago. It’s working on her Windows machine and her iPad. We’re wanting 
to migrate to a gmail account but the pass she thought works doesn’t. 
We attempted a password reset but she never received the email. (She 
says - I haven’t looked yet.) I know how to find password on a Mac but 
not on a Windows machine. A quick google offers lots of hack programs 
but I’m mistrustful….

Is there a way to find out what pass she’s using? Is there a safe and 
reliable password retriever?

And you remember that Microsoft bought Hotmail..

Thanks for help



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