[Hidden-tech] Looking for a used laptop

Tom Adams ~ Reelife Productions & Folktography tomadams at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 15:21:57 UTC 2020

right on.
we're all connected and it's so nice to be rewarded in these ways. it's
been so nice to be a part of this group over all these years. cheers to us
hidden-techers far and wide...


*Tom Adams, Director/Owner*
*Reelife Documentary Productions <http://www.ReelifeProductions.com> •
by Tom* <http://folktography.zenfolio.com>
*Cool Media Production...Not Boring or Dumb.*
*Educating, Entertaining & Enlightening since 1996*
*(413) 575-9707*
* • Williamsburg, MA*

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 10:50 AM d. via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi, lovely H-Tech-ers:
> I need to share a story about H-T.
> Six years ago I started collecting discarded pc's and laptops to recycle
> to needy disabled vets in our area.  Last week I was emailing out a survey
> to disabled vets and instructors and accidentally butt-dialed someone for
> whom I only had a first name and "vet" in my contacts.  I didn't know who
> it was but I immediately cut off the call and thought I was faster than the
> cell company electrons.  The next day he called me back and asked my name.
> He thought he recognized my number and said he'd just been telling someone
> at work about this program that provided him with a pc many years ago and
> it was a god-send.  It allowed him to go to school.  He got sober, he got a
> Bachelor's degree, then went on to get a Master's in Social Work, and now
> he works in a social services agency in Springfield, and he's stayed sober;
> all because of getting that computer.  I had no idea because I'd never
> heard from him or followed up or even had any other contact info like a
> last name.  That was a lucky butt-dial.
> Often we don't get feedback on our actions that get forgotten and hidden
> in the mists of time.  I thought H-T should know that some of your simple,
> thoughtful actions have powerful, positive effects.  Keep it up.
> Thanks,
> Dave Su
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 4:48 PM Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> I got a request for a used laptop, given the description it needs to be
>> newer than the older machines I have around.  SO suggestions or offers
>> welcome - including suggestions of commercial used machine sellers,
>> although local would be preferable.  please email offline.
>> > Needs s a PC.  He anticipates doing Zoom meetings, so it would ideally
>> > have a mic and camera.  He is a heavy Excel user ie. Excel files of
>> > roughly a mega byte in size.
>> Thanks for any input, Rich
>> Rich Roth
>> CEO TnR Global
>> Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
>> Building the really big sites:      http://www.tnrglobal.com
>> Small/Soho business in the PV:        http://www.hidden-tech.net
>> Places to meet for business:        http://www.meetmewhere.com
>> And for Arts and relaxation:
>> http://TarotMuertos.com - Artistic Tarot Deck
>>     http://www.welovemuseums.com
>>     http://www.artonmytv.com/
>> Helping move the world:             http://www.earththrives.com
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