[Hidden-tech] Seeking Real Estate Lawyer w/ farm and co-housing experience

David Mager davidmager at comcast.net
Mon Nov 30 18:49:23 UTC 2020

I was going to suggest Will Flanders too

Sustainably yours

David Mager
PO Box 704
62 Main St - Bldg #3
Hatfield MA 01038
phone (413) 247-0120
mobile (413) 427-1768
Skype DavidMagerEnviro
davidmager at comcast.net

> On Nov 30, 2020, at 10:35 AM, Andrew Bellak via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> Hi Elyssa,
> I suggest you try Will Flanders. He has been working with socially minded people and groups in the Valley for many years.
> T Wilson Flanders <flanderslawoffices at comcast.net> <mailto:flanderslawoffices at comcast.net>
> Regards,
> Andrew Bellak
> On 11/29/2020 6:39 PM, Annamarie Pluhar via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Hi Elyssa,
>> I don’t know a real estate lawyer but you and your friends might like to read this: the Sharing Solution.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6504003-the-sharing-solution <https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6504003-the-sharing-solution>.. Covers some of the ground you want to explore!
>> Annamarie Pluhar
>> Patient, Sympathetic Coaching <http://patientsympatheticcoaching.com/>
>> My other hat is this one:
>> Annamarie Pluhar, President
>> Sharing Housing, Inc.
>> Https://sharinghousing.org <https://sharinghousing.org/>
>> Https://www.sharinghousing.com <https://www.sharinghousing.com/> (lots of info for individuals)
>> Author: Sharing Housing, A Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates
>> 802-387-0487
>> “I think it is a universal human need to have someone who wonders where you are when you don’t come home at night.” — Margaret Mead
>> On 29 Nov 2020, at 17:31, Elyssa Serrilli via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Hi Hidden Techers,
>> I'm in the process of starting a small neighborhood farm at the Great Falls (in Turners Falls), and a few friends (who are also farm partners) are considering buying a large six-family home in the neighborhood to live in and as an investment.  We are curious about how to structure ownership of the house (LLC? Some kind of co-op?), and also if it makes sense for the same entity to own the house and the farm.
>> I'm looking to connect with a Western Mass real estate lawyer who has worked with farms and has experience with co-housing, intentional communities, non-profits, worker-owned cooperatives and/or B-Corps.
>> Thank We and Blessed Be!
>> in Service to 
>> Elyssa Marie Serrilli 
>> pronouns: fae, faer
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> -- 
> Andrew Bellak
> Registered Investment Advisor
> Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com <mailto:Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com>
> (o) 888-STK-HLDR (785-4537) x.2
> (f) 888-735-HLDR (4537)
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