[Hidden-tech] drupal 6

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Sat Nov 28 22:47:30 UTC 2020

In a quick look, I see Drupal 6 is at end of life AND if you are using a 
server that upgraded to php7 that might be your issue,
there are many php5 valid statements that are out with php7

Your domain hosting service might allow you to switch the domain with 
issues to stick to php5.
Also I use siteground and it puts errors in a domain local file: 

Note: when requesting help, more information is better - like what 
domain and what hosting service.

Stay Well - Rich

On 11/28/2020 4:06 PM, swills beyond-print.com via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> If you can't get at your watchdog log, but can shell onto the server, 
> you can manually run your index.php script and that should reveal your 
> php error and where it is.
> Also, when I have had a Drupal site crash extremely badly, I've shoved 
> a "temporarily offline" message into the index.php while I fixed the 
> php error.
> That lets your readers know you are working on it.
> You should not need to reinstall a new site if it is just a php error.
> I hope that helps?
> Steve Wills
> swills at beyond-print.com
>> On November 28, 2020 9:37 AM Al Canali via Hidden-discuss 
>> <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> Drupal 6 site has disappeared with 500 error. Probably a PHP issue. 
>> Looking for a fix until I can get a new site up.
>> -- 
>> Al Canali - Canali Designs
>> www.canalidesigns.com <http://www.canalidesigns.com>
>> 413-337-4740
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Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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