[Hidden-tech] A new type of phishing

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Tue Nov 3 22:10:55 UTC 2020

email attachment - right email phishing

On 11/3/2020 2:33 PM, Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Rich,
> You're saying it might be an email attachment, not on a web page, correct?
> Mik
> ---
> Mik Muller, president
> Montague WebWorks
> 239-R Main Street, Greenfield, MA
> 413-320-5336
> http://MontagueWebWorks.com
> On 11/3/2020 2:27 PM, Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> file type jnlp opens with Java web launcher
>> FYI: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/java_webstart.html
>> It's not a new technology it is a new way to send dangerous content
>> Here is some about that:
>> https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/trickbot-disguised-as-covid-19-map/ 
>> Do not open unless you are expecting it - the ones I've gotten look 
>> like valid messages
>> They are extra suspicious because they have no received from headers
>> Good luck and stay well
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Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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