[Hidden-tech] Modem alternatives to Comcast/Xfinity

Donald M Stevens dstevens at tryandfindit.com
Tue May 26 14:21:02 UTC 2020

Good Morning Arthur,

I have been using ASUS both at home and for most of my customers recently.

A couple of things,

I have Charter, my clients have Charter, Cox, Comcast….
Whenever I set them up I turn off the wifi option and set their modem device in bridge mode….
Then I use the ASUS router which allows me to control who has access, vpn, restrict wifi connections and not have to deal with the provider should I want to make any changes, setup VPN, firewall settings, etc…

When I use the ASUS extenders, I always connect them back to the main router with a CAT cable instead of the WiFi signal.
(I know you can connect wireless the extenders to the router, but I have found I have allot less Wifi connections issues, if any at all when doing this), of course you need to be able to run the wire….

As for replacing the ISP’s modem, I find out what device they recommend, then go find the best price. (this way they cannot come back at me should I need to call their tech support for anything)

Hope this helps a littler?
Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance or clarification.


TFI Technologies
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Email: dstevens at tryandfindit.com<mailto:dstevens at tryandfindit.com>
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From: Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net> On Behalf Of Jonathan Mirin via Hidden-discuss
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 8:48 PM
To: Arthur Evans <arthr.evans at gmail.com>
Cc: Hidden-Tech Tech <Hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
Subject: Re: [Hidden-tech] Modem alternatives to Comcast/Xfinity

Hi Arthur,
If you end up also needing a router, I like the energy savings and zero microwave radiation when no devices are connecting via wi-fi to the JRS Eco Router, which is a modified Asus:
We bought an earlier JRS model, measured it with an EMF meter, etc.
For some context, here's an opinion piece from last week's Greenfield Recorder: https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-mirin-Online-SafelyDuringCOVID19-After-34316395
best, Jon

Jonathan Mirin
Piti Théâtre Company<http://www.ptco.org>
(413) 625-6569


On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 3:36 PM Arthur Evans via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net<mailto:hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>> wrote:
We've been renting Comcast modems for years, now at $14.00/month and we have connectivity issues with wi-fi which we have only had moderate success fixing with an extender.
We are looking for recommendations for the advisability of buying a modem with extenders for a larger home to replace Xfinity's which will last well - or is it best to stick with what Xfinity provides? Any good modem and extender packages recommended?  Xfinity suggested we purchase xFi Pods ($119 + tax + delivery for three pods) to fix the problem.  Thanks in advance.
- Arthur
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