[Hidden-tech] external 4TB drive not mounting

DM Cook dmaterialized at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 18:33:55 UTC 2020

If you hear it spinning but not mounting, it could be a bad component of
the drive case, such as the power supply or the FireWire chip. FireWire
drives nowadays are fairly old, so this isn't that uncommon, and often it
doesn't affect the underlying drive. You can resolve this by getting a
different 3.5" case (they tend to run $20-50, generally higher for
FireWire), disassembling your external drive case, and putting the drive in
the new case--  but you'll need to make sure it's the right style for your
drive (SATA II/SATA III, etc)

 Hopefully the problem isn't the drive itself: if it is, you'll probably
need a professional. A symptom of this would be that you hear it click
rhythmically or if it suddenly makes loud individual "honks".

If the problem is corruption or data errors on the drive, a fantastic piece
of software called DiskWarrior can often help, but this will do nothing if
the problem is physical in nature. DiskWarrior has saved more drives than I
can count: it's definitely one of the best and most reliable utilities I

A data recovery expert has access to all of these tools and would most
likely be able to resolve the issue, whatever it is, for around $200.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 2:10 PM tom's gmail via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> I should have mentioned it’s a FireWire drive with a separate power plug.
> Regards,
> Tom Adams, Director/Owner
> www.ReelifeProductions.com
> http://Folktography.zenfolio.com
> • Cool Media Production...Not Boring or Dumb •
> Media that Educates, Entertains & Enlightens... since 1996
> (From the road / my virtual office/iPhone 413.575.9707)
> On Mar 25, 2020, at 1:13 PM, Nathan Chung <nchung111 at gmail.com> wrote:
> It might be a power thing. if you are only powering it through the USB
> connection, it might not be enough. If it has an auxiliary power port, try
> connecting it.
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 1:06 PM Tom Adams ~ Reelife Productions &
> Folktography via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> hope you're all staying "well hidden"...
>> I have a Mac 4TB external HD that isn't mounting.
>> It shows up in disk utility but it doesn’t mount when I click mount.
>> I tried some terminal tricks but won’t let me enter my password when I
>> get to that point.
>> I can hear it spinning “trying” to mount.
>> I unplugged cables, restarted, turned off and on again... all to no
>> avail...
>> Help?!
>> *Regards,*
>> *Tom Adams, Director/Owner*
>> *Reelife Documentary Productions <http://www.ReelifeProductions.com> • **Folktography
>> by Tom* <http://folktography.zenfolio.com>
>> *Cool Media Production...Not Boring or Dumb.*
>> *Educating, Entertaining & Enlightening since 1996*
>> *(413) 575-9707*
>> * • Williamsburg, MA*
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DM Cook
Instructional Designer & Technical Writer
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