[Hidden-tech] Remote seminar tools needed

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Fri Mar 20 20:22:51 UTC 2020

We have a few cases that take remote viewing to the next level.
This is driven by the Covid-19 emergency so lower price or even free 
would be good.

SO we have an archery range that wants to move some of their courses to 
video classes.
Some recorded, some live
We are looking for tools, best case would be to buy a video course on 
their web site,
send a link to email for the course -- if it helps the web site is 

This is the site: https://sattvaarchery.com/

As with other sports centers, the range is now closed until further notice,
web site being updated -- good sales on equipment for those interested.

Any suggestions.

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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