[Hidden-tech] How you can be of help

Rich@OTN rich at on-the-net.com
Mon Mar 16 14:46:50 UTC 2020

Given the world is on hold for a few weeks, I suspect some of you might 
have some extra time.

In any case, there is no group I can think of who might have more of the 
skills that others lack to deal at this time.

SO, I might suggest that some of you might provide your skills for those 
stuck in the shutdowns.

Making a few suggestions, these come to mind:

- Helping those who are not so familiar with online communicating make 
connections, and I am specifically
pointing toward those cases where online is replacing face to face - the 
schools being a prime point.

- Providing video alternatives to IRL shows -- for one, presentation 
groups such as those that present to assisted living facilities.
or even those who have not used streaming before - on both presenting 
and receiving ends.

- helping where connective is lacking.

As far as the HT list, you are welcome to post offers or request for 
such services.

and for those who get hyper when email gets active, I request you just 
review and ignore if you can not help,
rather than automatically request off the list - otherwise can help no 
one - or be helped.

Thanks for your attention
Rich - HT list moderator

and I'll make sure any requests or offers get turned around quickly.


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