[Hidden-tech] Social Media for HT

Shel Horowitz shel at principledprofit.com
Wed Jun 10 02:43:10 UTC 2020

Gary wrote: " Weird, I think groups DO guarantee delivery [if you look in
the group], vs. just algorithm stuff. "

If delivery means it gets to the group page, then yes. If delivery means it
is seen by all the members of the group, then no. Facebook groups are a
pull medium: the content waits there for the user to go look for it. If the
user sees a notification and clicks through, or randomly checks the group
page, the message is seen. If, like me, the user gets an average of 96 FB
notifications per day, whether I click through to a particular one is
random and the odds aren't that great.

In all fairness, the same problem exists with email. I ignore many HT
messages because I can tell they aren't relevant or I don't know the answer
from the subject line, and others because I simply miss them in the deluge.

BTW, I think email does a much better job of threading than FB groups.
Reasonably happy with the status quo. And grateful to rich for
administering it.

Shel Horowitz - "The Transformpreneur"
Contact me to bake in profitability while addressing hunger,
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* First business ever to be Green America Gold Certified
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* Certified speaker: International Platform Association
mailto:shel at greenandprofitable.com 413-586-2388
Award-winning, best-selling author of 10 books.
Latest:Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World
(co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson)

Watch my TEDx Talk,
"Impossible is a Dare: Business for a Better World"
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On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 8:04 PM Garth Shaneyfelt via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Weird, I think groups DO guarantee delivery [if you look in the group],
> vs. just algorithm stuff.
> -Garth Shaneyfelt
> Let's Create a Better World
> On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 07:58:21 PM EDT, Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> I use FB for browsing and socializing, but hate it for things like this
> group because there is no guaranteed delivery.
> --Alan
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