[Hidden-tech] Social Media for HT

Marcia Yudkin yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 9 21:09:01 UTC 2020

 To me, the test of how well an exchange medium is working is not the number of members, the rate of joinings or the number of dropouts - or even the rate of participation - but rather how useful the medium is for those who are on it who urgently or desperately need an answer.  And I would say that by that criterion, the current setup is very useful.

We rarely see a question that goes out that gets no answers or no useful discussion.

What is the reason for wanting to switch - other than email lists being an old technology???

Marcia Yudkin

    >>On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 10:42:55 AM HST, Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:  
Time for another review of how HT works for you each.
 A long discussion always leads to people dropping off, many of whom forget this defeats the purpose of having more people to help, at the cost of a few uninteresting emails.  We tried FB and Linkedin a while back,  while little interest, given how time goes it could be 10 years.
 We also get few additional members so there are clearly not much PR happening.
I have been looking for alternatives and found a quite a number of options:<<
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