[Hidden-tech] Hotspot Carrier for Downtown Noho

Aaron E-J the at otherrealm.org
Mon Jan 6 02:10:41 UTC 2020

What town do you live in?  There are a number of initiatives to get 
Municipal Fiber Optic Internet set up.  Some towns already have been 
rolling things out (Holyoke, South Hadley, Westfield, others...) and 
some are in the process (Easthampton, Northampton, towns west of the 
Pioneer Valley).  Check out: 
https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheInternetIsForAll/ , that is a group 
that has regular updates on the latest going on in the democratization 
of internet access in the Pioneer Valley.  There are also town specific 
sites if you live in a town that is working on getting such a program 
set up.

Aaron E-J
The Other Realm LLC
http://theotherrealm.org (Blog)

On 2020-01-05 6:39 PM, Lyle Phipps via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi All,
> Not sure if it is "just me" but seems like comcast cable internet 
> historically (and currently) really bogs down in the evening and when 
> it rains/snows.  Seems like there might be a bottleneck in some trunk 
> lines and we work a lot at night.during tax season and I cant afford 
> to lose productivity
> I am relying on two hosted (cloud) based software solutions this year 
> and I am seeking to backup my internet connection with a mobile 
> hotspot and an antenna booster
> Considering this with a Month to Month Data plan of 100GB
> https://www.att.com/buy/wearables/netgear-nighthawk-lte-mobile-hotspot-router-512gb-steel-gray.html 
> Any suggestions?
> Lyle Phipps, CPA
> www.calendly.com/lylephipps <http://www.calendly.com/lylephipps>
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