[Hidden-tech] does anyone have CS6 (mac) they would be willing to sell to a friend of mine?

Lynne Rudie lynnerudiedesign at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 20:31:58 UTC 2020

Hi Hidden Techies
	I have a friend who is looking for access to Adobe Creative Suite version 6. He wants to buy it for use on an older Apple computer (not sure what his reasons are). He has asked Adobe and they don’t sell it any more. He could probably find a bootleg version somewhere on the web but wants to keep it legal.
	If anyone has their old disks, or has an idea about where he could find them for purchase, I’ll send you his contact info off-list. This friend lives in California and will arrange for purchase and shipping. I’ll assist if that would be helpful but you should talk to him first.
	Thanks, as always, and Happy New Year!

Lynne Rudie Graphic Design
See my contact info at: LynneRudie.com

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