[Hidden-tech] external hard drive system

B. Kimo Lee bklee at azurelink.com
Tue Feb 25 14:46:42 UTC 2020

Hi HT,

I’m also interested in a new local backup RAID system. A consultant I work with suggested I look into Synology disk stations. Wondering whether anyone has compared these two?


On Feb 24, 2020, at 12:35 PM, explodingbee . via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I want to purchase and set up a 10tb RAID1 external hard drive system.  (So that would be two 10tb hard drives mirroring each other.)  Someone suggested that I get a QNAP Tr-002 system (example: https://www.newegg.com/qnap-tr-002-us/p/N82E16822099076?Description=qnap%20tr-002&cm_re=qnap_tr-002-_-22-099-076-_-Product&quicklink=true).  Does anyone know if that is a good system?  It is less expensive to get two independent single 10tb external hard drives and use a mirroring function available as part of Windows 10 to mirror the two drives but someone advised me not to trust Windows 10 to do that.  Also, I was thinking of getting SAS drives instead of NAS drives, but that is apparently a different types of system and I don't know much about that.  Any thoughts on these things?  Also, if I do get NAS drives, which ones are best?  Thanks in advance.
> -Vincent
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