[Hidden-tech] How do I copy a video off of You Tube?

David Korpiewski davidk at cs.umass.edu
Wed Feb 5 13:45:18 UTC 2020

There are all kinds of free web sites for downloading videos a simple 
google search showed me the link i pasted below.  In the article the 
first option on this list of 6 free ways to do that is simply to go to 
the youtube URL, change the youtube URL to have"vd" in it 
(www.vdyoutube.com), and then the page shows up with tons of formats for 
downloading the video. (read the article) Now that said, anything that 
is copyright would fall under copyright laws so be careful how you use it.




On 2/5/2020 3:50 AM, Frederick Clarkson via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I am eager to do this because I am afraid it will be taken down soon...
> Thanks,
> Fred
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David Korpiewski
Senior Software Specialist I
CICS - UMASS Amherst

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