[Hidden-tech] Landline options (south deerfield)

Rich rich at on-the-net.com
Tue Dec 29 21:44:39 UTC 2020

We have kept a land line for much the same reasons, the cost from 
Verizon comes in at about $50/mon unless you can qualify for the senior 
and that is with no long distance service.
We moved all our other numbers to Google Fi or google voice.

As for the need for this -- yes a landline (yes, POTS - plain old 
telephone service) with an dial or touchtone phone -- if you have or can 
find one,
will work even if the power goes down.

SO it depends on where you live --
do you expect that you and the area will lose power long enough for a 
cel phone to run out of power AND
the cel towers to be out of service -- or are you out of town far enough 
not to rely on cel phone ??
Personally I would trust the cel more than VIOP

Frankly, we have found cel service to be reliable enough with an usb 
extra battery to be fine.
And in the last 10 years we've had a few ER visits and a birth out of 
the 6 of us who live together and are close to mid-town Greenfield.

KInda depends on your location. budget and any likely medical issues

Stay well all - Rich

On 12/27/2020 2:28 PM, Nick Clover-Brown via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking at getting a landline, primarily for emergencies, if our 
> kid needs to call 911.
> Has anyone had success with alternatives to xfinity voice? It seems to 
> be $40 or $50, and i'm trying to find better value options - maybe a 
> prepaid / pay as you go provider.
> VOIP could be an option, but looks a little more complicated , and 
> reliant on internet connection - is that right? Also seems to need a 
> battery backup.
> Any recommendations would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Nick Clover-Brown
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickcloverbrown>
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