[Hidden-tech] Learning Redis

Robert Archer rob at crowbringsdaylight.com
Wed Dec 16 20:35:05 UTC 2020

So you are looking to access a Redis store remotely?

Does Elasticache give you a uri and a way to authenticate?  You’ll need a host url of some type to start with.

> On Dec 16, 2020, at 1:41 PM, Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> I am creating a hybrid local/AWS application in Python and would like to be able to access Redis on Elasticache both from a Lambda function and from my local code. I have no idea at all how to get started. I have done many web searches and have read all the AWS documentation I can find. I have found much information on configuration and setup, as well as information about Redis syntax (e.g., HSET, INCR) but nothing about APIs for actually making calls to execute these commands.  Stack Exchange has informed me that this type of problem is not appropriate there.
> I'd appreciate any resources Hidden Techers might be able to provide.
> --Alan
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Robert Archer
rob at crowbringsdaylight.com
Freelance Developer
PHP, Python and Friends!


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