[Hidden-tech] Instagram Hack--is it phishing?

Shel Horowitz shel at principledprofit.com
Sat Dec 5 22:06:41 UTC 2020

I agree with Rich. Use the official request-a-password reset, from your
logon page--NOT through email.

And for all of us--notice what's weird about "“We detected an Unusual login

I detect an Unusual (and incorrect) capitalization--often a phishing red

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On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 2:07 PM Rich via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Claudia,
> Does sound like a bunch of phishing - I'd go to the normal instagram login
> - and click on the forgot password link.
> It requires your current email tied to the account - which I'm sure you'll
> have seen from the myriad of emails instagram sends.
> This way you know what comes in is a valid email from IG.
> Good luck - Rich
> On 12/5/2020 11:54 AM, claudia--- via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> When I opened my Instagram account on my iphone, I received a notice: “We
> detected an Unusual login attempt” and two options, and I clicked on “this
> wasn’t me.” The next screen asked for my “new password” and then “verify
> password” but never asked for my current password. Which really feels like
> phishing. So I didn’t offer a new password or complete the request.
> I then saw in my email account linked to Instagram a few similar notices
> from different places in the world with a similar message:
> “We Noticed a New Login, claudiagere0
> We noticed a login from a device you don't usually use.”
> There was a link, which looks official, but led to an invalid page notice
> “This is not a valid link.” I’ve added a space before .com so no one clicks
> inadvertently if it is corrupt.
> https://instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/confirm/?uidb36=l4givs&token=Bo5FqK8IQM3oTumYKY2aU3k8KqKyQPqFQPhXd24H1l7lYU9QSll0H2SjHDirmb9s:password_reset_email&v=1.3.4...0...0...2.5...1.1.6&s=login_notification_email
> Do I go ahead and put in new password and confirm? Not sure if I have
> anything to lose as I’m locked out anyway. Appreciate any shared experience
> with this or suggestions. Thank you, Claudia
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