[Hidden-tech] A new local nonprofit: Access to Technology (A2T)

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Fri Aug 28 15:38:55 UTC 2020

As you know HT rules says no advertising, they also all promotion of 
good works
AND Michael has done some great work in re-purposing laptops to chrome 
We had an ongoing discussion and if you read the direction below, you 
can see he
is moving beyond just donations -- I  hope there are others here who can 
help with this work.

You can find him at https://www.facebook.com/wackalectic
And here is more:

> Hi all. I'm in the process of reimagining the mission of my 501c3 
> Access to Technology (A2T) in light of COVID, a corresponding drop in 
> equipment donations, and dramatically increasing need for #Chromebooks 
> <https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/chromebooks?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZWED7IbulqyaWgUa3JaqFnBm8u2F_2GiZB2iBNAuvhgNMaxpV8BTF_zAD_2GeiXFygK3bnQttfJ-Xuv1NFMv-L1DwMFWrmUpBlJA21sDm85kyX7K32LLrok9qWtzUljBEQw3MfD1sgZWZD5e4_c_voeX5c14AglntR0XHmd3JQG6A&__tn__=*NK-R>. 
> A DRAFT of the new direction is here: https://www.a2tech.org/ 
> <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.a2tech.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3bIFUtO-2lWZRb4s8Mv6mhMkQIUriX-bOtQKvFcgl3C2roqmTkhNIP5mM&h=AT3ySa3bqtpBUrXvyfi8fIhNCRyGfXWO3rpniTM4UeJzb6zXTXSjRJbTErzSp9Bp-lO4yN-qVG51Qt7pVpGlVtqCj5nAorE1hcQ7qSh3-gyYfurs8aZOALqnl3i1fy-0mA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3bc4vyb-C8guFDA5Cb6pU_mPFj2vaoivgRKkluJvlTmb6VOWyk5kU8vA4ocwGCIgh9136gjo8XGle19LknPOf4XSdN2m7F9PhqOsYtMXLuOIH2m8ITWJzYGvG3_TAu-cTkn5puyfaqGVWJ-KAXe-AoiWxEXCm7Og7B6FDPcI5EH8I_GsI>Please 
> let me know what you think! Suggestions? Ideas? Questions? Thanks! 
> Chromebook Google

Or you can help him via me (I won't share emails unless given 
permission) or on the list.

Stay Safe all

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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