[Hidden-tech] What to do with all that stuff -- ideas

Shel Horowitz shel at principledprofit.com
Mon Aug 17 21:41:19 UTC 2020

P Allen & Sons, the recycling yard on Route 10 near the
Easthampton/Northampton border (Northampton side, by a few feet). They at
least used to take them. I'd call and make sure before heading down there.

Also, some charities that work in disadvantaged countries might have a use
for them, because even ancient computer equipment is better than none.
Shel Horowitz - "The Transformpreneur"
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On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 5:36 PM Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hey all,
> has many of you are finding this is a good time to clear all that stuff.
> This is a mix of long over due and the bringing on of retirement.
> I've been told, if the kids won't want it, then dump it.
> For those that haven't seen it, there is a great little book with the
> terrible name
> of the "Swedish art of death cleaning" - I've been told it's partly the
> result of poor translation.
> For those items that might have value to some one, there are many options.
> We had a discussion here about one option of tool banks
> I've lots of free options. some here:
> http://www.hidden-tech.net/project/free-cycle-and-share/
> BUT what about electronics ??  I've used Staples for retail items,
> and there are various recycle events at various prices for similar items.
> however I have a stack of servers of various sizes, items I hate just dump.
> There used to be a company in East Springfield that handled such items,
> recovered metals or other of value.
> SO any ideas or suggestions -- please no 'I goggled' I've done or can do
> that.
> Personal experience or hard to find options are what I want.
> Stay Well and Happy Trails - Rich
> --
> Rich Roth
> CEO TnR Global
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