[Hidden-tech] A Business Idea: a Local Borrowing Exchange

Stacy Kontrabecki stacy at swampdancer.com
Sun Aug 16 00:37:48 UTC 2020

I’ve started using www.streetbank.com
It could be executed better, but it works.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 8:01 PM Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> I’ve long meant to suggest here (and hope I did not already and forgot)
> for enterprising souls the business idea of making a website for listing
> things one would loan and borrow locally. If it could be done efficiently,
> the Uber and Airbnb model of deploying
> idle capital could apply to the countless things we all have but use
> rarely, like spray painters, lawn dethatchers, hand-trucks, battery testers
> that actually work, ladders, coin roll-makers, shop vacs, all kind of tools
> powered or not, etc. I’ve not given
> it a lot of thought, and I know there would be issues to manage, not least
> the revenue model, but just throwing it out there. Perhaps after developing
> the concept, one could sell it to the likes of NextDoor.com. In this
> economy, there may be some talent with
> time to give it more thought.
> Take Care,
> Rob Laporte
> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
> Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
> 413-584-6500
> rob at 2disc.com |
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com
> <https://www.2disc.com>
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