[Hidden-tech] Wiki Pages

Dédé Wilson dede at dedewilson.com
Tue Apr 28 19:35:34 UTC 2020

Just to elaborate, the situation is that when you Google my name (Dede Wilson), I come up in every link for a couple (few) pages as I have written 17 books, hosted TV shows, etc. There is plenty there BUT the Wikipedia link shows my image but the content is referencing a poet, born in Louisiana. No relation to me. I need to fix this. So, I do believe I have plenty to fill a page that would be “acceptable” if done right. I just want to get it done right and am willing to pay someone who has done this before to take on the project.

Dédé Wilson

> On Apr 28, 2020, at 3:32 PM, Alan Frank <alan at 8wheels.org> wrote:
> There have been some other good answers about notability and sourcing.  The good news is that a page will not be removed for "not being good enough."  Suppose you had been the first one to create an article on Greta Thunberg after she shot to prominence and had made some errors, whether of fact, spelling, or style.  Other editors would have fixed the mistakes, not removed the article.  On the other hand, if you created an article on the tree in your back yard, it would be removed as non-notable regardless of how well researched and edited the article might be, and even if there were a page on your town's web site documenting all the trees in town, including yours.
> --Alan
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Hidden-tech] Wiki Pages
> Date: 28.04.2020 10:07
> From: Dédé Wilson via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> To:
> Anyone have experience creating WIKI pages that “work”. It looks easy
> enough and yet I have read that WIKI will remove pages that they deem
> not “good enough”. So I am looking for someone to create a page for
> me. Any input appreciated
> Dédé Wilson
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