[Hidden-tech] Covid resources (including about CARES Act)

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Tue Apr 7 21:57:27 UTC 2020

I have updated the front page of hidden-tech.net to
include a series of documents about small business (shared from the SBA 
by Lawyer Paul Nicolai)
as well as a (somewhat random) collection of resources from online.

If anyone has additions please email offline and I will add them.

Happy Trails and Stay healthy.

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
Building the really big sites:      http://www.tnrglobal.com
Small/Soho business in the PV:        http://www.hidden-tech.net
Places to meet for business:        http://www.meetmewhere.com
And for relaxation:        http://www.welovemuseums.com
Helping move the world:             http://www.earththrives.com


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