[Hidden-tech] Revisited: A Strange Cold Going Around?

Jeff Mackler jeff at rubberneck.net
Fri Apr 3 01:10:56 UTC 2020

There’s a very active group on Facebook of local people sewing masks and
discussing the details. There’s also a signup form for people looking for
masks or donations to health organizations.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 8:42 PM Mitch Anthony via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Rob,
> GCC is coordinating mask sewing. They’d love your support. Connect with me
> directly and I’ll share the right email for you.
> Mitch Anthony
> Clarity
> Working where mission fuels message
> 1.413.530.6978
> mitch at clarity-first.com
> http://clarity-first.com
> https://twitter.com/MitchAnthony
> www.linkedin.com/in/mitchanthony/
> On Apr 2, 2020, at 6:44 PM, Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Off list I've gotten a few more stories in line with the odd symptoms I
> and others mentioned. It's definitely going around.
> I'm sigin' in Val's chorus about masks being crucial--science has shown
> this for decades--and I'd love to give some kind of resources to people out
> there who can sew a bunch. Any material helps. A horrifying video from a
> recent MIT study shows tons of floating, long-traveling droplets when
> healthy people talk normally, but I can't find it again (would appreciate
> the link).
> A March 30 study from UK's Imperial College
> <https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-Europe-estimates-and-NPI-impact-30-03-2020.pdf> reinforces
> the view that the virus is much more widespread now--meaning complication
> rate is much lower, but not meaning less complications and deaths. I still
> think it does not withstand scrutiny, but no time to explain. But if it's
> true, heck, those of us with this strange cold could be mostly over
> Covid-19 already!
> Meanwhile yesterday the surgeon general outright lied about "new" evidence
> of airborn--was mostly established in early February.
> Wishing you bravery in seeking truth.
> Rob Laporte
> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
> DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
> 413-584-6500
> rob at 2disc.com | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com
> <https://www.2disc.com/>
> *From:* Rob Laporte <rob at 2disc.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 29, 2020 9:53 PM
> *To:* Mitch Anthony <mitch at clarity-first.com>
> *Cc:* hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [Hidden-tech] A Strange Cold Going Around?
> Hi All,
> Thanks for the feedback. I planned to write more today, but alas the darn
> illness had me bed-bound again.
> The symptoms noted here and in my other conversations are close enough to
> assign high-ish probability that they stem from the same infective agent. I
> spoke with my friend who got tested, and unfortunately there's less overlap
> that I thought--mainly, his passed quickly, and less fatigue, while it
> seems this one comes and goes over at least two weeks. Two days ago I
> thought I was done, and, wow, full vibrancy is so remarkable when it
> returns, but the affliction has returned, heading into three weeks now.
> I wanted to supply more links to reliable science in this email and spend
> time confirming the stats below, but I lost more time to sleep. Upshot is
> that the biases emerging from corruption at the WHO (mostly earlier) and at
> the CDC, the biases of great financial and political interests, and the
> huge forces of denial to which we are all variously subject, make it
> crucial to get a good cheat sheet of facts as established by qualified
> researchers who are subject to minimal financial incentives towards one
> conclusion or another.
> A big fork in current science has occurred in the last week or so. The
> prevailing science shows, for example, that the US peak is weeks away, at
> least 60% of our population will be infected within a year, of which 13% to
> 20% will need hospitalization, and 1.5% to 3.5% of infected will die. The
> new fork holds that the SARS-2 virus actually spread much more already,
> which lines up with the RO range of 4 to 6.7 (average # that one person
> infects) posited by a major brain trust at Los Alamos in mid to late
> February. This fork argues that therefore substantially less
> hospitalization and death are coming. An excellent but rather demanding
> video put a big torpedo in this new fork, but the ship isn't sunk and can
> withstand, barely, the second torpedo from understanding the above-noted
> forces of bias. If this new fork is true, then this peculiar illness we
> discuss here could be Covid-19 or an expression of one of the many (not
> just the main 2 or 3) mutations circulating now. In the last few days,
> slight but worrisome data has emerged suggesting that recovery does not
> prevent re-infection, but assuming that that data does not pan out, I too
> rather hope I have covid-19, and won't get worse. If this is the case, once
> tests are available to detect antibodies, I'd be cleared to help at the
> hospital or wherever. However, all things considered I lean towards the
> conclusion that this peculiar illness some of us have now is just a strange
> cold. I've known of other colds that come and go like this, and I and my
> brother had one once that lasted close to two months.
> If you don't already, I advise that you follow the two excellent daily ~25
> minute videos summarizing the science and resulting best practices:
> Dr. John Campbell <https://www.youtube.com/user/Campbellteaching/videos>. A
> wonderfully avuncular, totally qualified British doctor.
> Peak Prosperity <https://www.youtube.com/user/ChrisMartensondotcom/videos>
> . This local (Montague, MA) PH.D. in pathology has for years run a "doom
> porn" site. He did called the housing crisis 2 years before it, but then
> got the financial markets and economy dead wrong (to be fair, most
> investing pros don't understand that this time it really is true that "This
> Time is Different" in financial markets because of Fed money printing
> institutionalized). For the pandemic he was pretty much 100% right in his
> predictions in late January. He surfaces excellent research and shows how
> egregiously wrong are some official and even scientists' publications.
> Be Well,
> Rob Laporte
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