[Hidden-tech] Google Suite vs Office 365 opinions sought

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Thu Sep 12 20:41:28 UTC 2019

I've worked with (and still) use all -- and I'd take a serious look at 
Libreoffice -- I get the comments, however as someone running commercial 
and non-profit the real question for me is the need for comparability vs 
cost -- add in how many functions do you need/use.
For example, there is no Access equivalent in google doc.

As for re-formatting, all that relates to the comparability -- who you 
work with and what tools they use you need to interact with,

A side note, you don't need gmail to use google doc - the only issue is 
the 1st time login, and asking someone to response to a invite is really 
not much of a bit deal.


On 9/10/2019 9:47 AM, Sara MacKay via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I need to switch our non-profit to either Google for non- profits or 
> Office 365. Both provide the functions we need. Google suite has the 
> advantage that 1/2 the staff have gmail and are familiar w the 
> platform. Also google forms are really helpful for our 2 program 
> coordinators. Office 365 has the office Suite of programs that we have 
> always used and Word & Excel seem more robust and easier to do mail 
> merges & formatting.
>  So I have 3 questions that I'm looking for opinions on from anyone 
> who has switched people over to one format or the other.
> 1. Has digital transfer of accounts to either been especially hard or 
> especially easy?
> 2. Was using google drive or 1 drive difficult or confusing for low 
> tech-savvy users?  We have 22 staff. Maybe 5 are very comfortable with 
> tech.
> 3. Any thoughts on the administration of either?
> Only 5 staff reported a preference. 2 for Office 365, 2 for Google, & 
> one who says either except sharing a google doc is cumbersome if the 
> receiver doesn't have gmail.
> Looking mostly for red flags or praise to help w the final choice.
> Any input appreciated, thanks.
> Sara
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Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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