[Hidden-tech] Intro to HT

David Marshall marshall62 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 23:08:25 UTC 2019

I just learned about and joined the group.  Here's the intro:

David Marshall:  Software Developer, Artist (painter), and a few other
things.  Right now I'm building an addition on my studio and up to my neck
in 2X4s and plywood. Generally, I like to build stuff be it paintings,
stone walls, buildings, or software.

  I've worked for 21 years at UMass in the Computer Science department
building apps for educational purposes.  This includes web-based online
tutoring systems and desktop/mobile apps.  mathspring.org and
openreview.net were
the last two projects I worked on and are still live.

I know many of the current tools and platforms related to Java, Python, and
Javascript.  I've designed and built more than a handful of complex systems
over the years.   I also teach the Intro to CS: Python programming lab at
Smith College and enjoy mentoring and working with others.

I'm currently looking for flex-time software development work to replace
the UMass job that laid me off August 2019.
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