[Hidden-tech] Visa gift card

David Korpiewski davidk at cs.umass.edu
Tue Nov 5 17:01:57 UTC 2019

Walmart sells them too.  My aunt usually sends me one for Christmas for 

There is an associated cost of like 4 or 5 dollars to activate it but 
then you can put on it however much you want.

On 11/5/2019 8:51 AM, Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Where can I (locally) buy a Visa gift card for someone else in the amount of a few hundred dollars?  I already checked with my bank and they don't handle them.
> Thanks!
> Marcia Yudkin
> marcia at yudkin.com
> Goshen
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David Korpiewski
Senior Software Specialist I
CICS - UMASS Amherst


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