[Hidden-tech] Seeking expert in blog monetization, for a client

Marcia Yudkin yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 1 00:42:25 UTC 2019

Hi friends,

A client of mine has a blog that gets loads of targeted traffic, and she is looking for someone to coach her on what she can do to beef up the blog's saleability, in terms of the money from ads etc. that it is bringing in.

She says, "Most of what I find online are people who coach others to build an audience. That’s not my interest. I want to figure out how to incorporate ads, guest posts, or whatever is appropriate to be able to prove that the blog can make money."

Any suggestions of someone who has proven expertise in that area?  Please reply off-list.

Thank you.

Marcia Yudkin, Goshen


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