[Hidden-tech] Urgent GIS help needed

Chris Duncan, GISmatters duncan at gismatters.com
Thu Jun 20 00:18:06 UTC 2019

Hi Cheryl,

Is it a data issue? A software issue? A conceptual (e.g., 
"how-do-I-do-this) issue?

What technology is involved (if that's relevant) -- ESRI ArcGIS Pro? 
ArcMap? QGIS? Other?

Can you provide at least a bit more info, either to the list or directly 
to me? I will try to help, or to recommend other local sources of help 
if I can't.


On 6/19/19 6:38 PM, Cheryl Handsaker via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Is there anyone available for a screenshare or for hire to help me with 
> an urgent GIS issue?


Chris Duncan, Ph.D.
President, GISmatters
duncan at gismatters.com


Tel: +1 413.549.2052
Fax: +1 413.658.0346

1 Tuckerman Ln
Amherst, MA 01002


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