[Hidden-tech] Maker space being developed in Greenfield and Franklin County

Rich Roth rich at tnrglobal.com
Wed Jul 24 22:21:55 UTC 2019

I don't see a name there, based on the space pictures and the people 
shown, I believe he is part of the project.
I'll make sure.

If you are interested, make sure you fill the form (I don't get the 
survey/signup form so I don't tell if you already did)

Thanks, Rich

On 7/24/2019 5:21 PM, Aaron E-J via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Is the sudomakerspace that was around in 2017 and I believe was set up 
> by someone who worked for MakerBot still around?  I went to one of 
> their early meetings but have not been involved since, here is their 
> Facebook https://www.facebook.com/greenfieldmakerspace/
> Aaron E-J
> The Other Realm LLC
> http://otherrealm.org
> http://theotherrealm.org  (Blog)
> On 2019-07-19 1:45 PM, Rich Roth via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Actually while the drivers are in Greenfield, nothing about this is 
>> strictly north Pioneer valley, or Franklin county.
>> We'd like to heard from anyone interested at any level, just respond 
>> here:
>> https://forms.gle/Fd9QQgXHHtK8uzi47
>> Here is a quick summary, more at that link:
>> >> The Hive will be a membership-based maker space in downtown 
>> Greenfield dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship and the
>> >> creative economy. We will be equipped with prototyping and 
>> production equipment including .....
>> The form lets you say how much you are interested, so expressing 
>> interest doesn't mean helping out now,
>> although that would be great.   Just expressing interest now with 
>> help drive the process, and keep you in the loop as the project 
>> develops.
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Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
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