[Hidden-tech] Web development courses at GCC this fall

Spencer Sherman spencer at factastudio.com
Tue Jul 23 13:10:05 UTC 2019

Good morning,

This fall, I’ll be teaching two beginner’s web development courses for
GCC’s Workforce Development in their downtown location. Both are
uncredited, require no web development background, and are open to anyone
who’s interested.

I’m a huge believer in continuing education and the job opportunities
coding can provide: my own career trajectory took a huge turn about ten
years ago, from marketing to web dev, after I took courses at the Boston
Center for Adult Education. That alone has opened countless doors for me -
including the ability to run a digital agency <https://factastudio.com/>
with some incredibly talented people out here in lovely Greenfield.

Course descriptions are below...please share with friends and fam!

WordPress 101 <https://noncredit.gcc.mass.edu/workshops/word-press-101/>

T/Th 10/8–10/24 — 6:00–8:00pm

This course will teach you everything you need to know to create your own
self-hosted Wordpress.org website. You’ll learn the basics of setting up a
WordPress.org website, choosing a theme, customizing it, extending it with
plugins and widgets, configuring it for SEO, and maintaining it on an
ongoing basis. We will look at and edit a few lines of code, but no prior
coding experience is necessary, and all sessions will be geared toward
beginners. Each student will be provided with their own WordPress website
to work on for the purposes of learning and testing.

Shopify 101 <https://noncredit.gcc.mass.edu/workshops/shopify-101/>

T/Th 9/10–9/26 — 6:00–8:00pm

There's a lot of reason to be excited about e-commerce and it's growth
potential in years to come, but what makes Shopify so unique is it's
capabilities as a platform, combined with the relative ease and
approachability for beginners. With Shopify, you have access to the same
e-commerce platform that Budweiser, New York Times and Black Dog use. By
the end of this course, you’ll know the basics of creating an e-commerce
business plan, starting a Shopify store, selling your product online, and
scaling it for future growth. No prior coding knowledge is needed. Each
student will be given their own unique Shopify development store to work on
for the purposes of learning and testing.

Thanks for your time,



*Spencer Sherman*
principal / developer
*p*: 978-807-3714 <9788073714>  *e*: spencer at factastudio.com

*Facta Studio*
Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm
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