[Hidden-tech] Maker space being developed in Greenfield and Franklin County

Rich Roth rich at tnrglobal.com
Fri Jul 19 17:45:39 UTC 2019

Actually while the drivers are in Greenfield, nothing about this is 
strictly north Pioneer valley, or Franklin county.

We'd like to heard from anyone interested at any level, just respond here:

Here is a quick summary, more at that link:

 >> The Hive will be a membership-based maker space in downtown 
Greenfield dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship and the
 >> creative economy. We will be equipped with prototyping and 
production equipment including .....

The form lets you say how much you are interested, so expressing 
interest doesn't mean helping out now,
although that would be great.   Just expressing interest now with help 
drive the process, and keep you in the loop as the project develops.

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
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