[Hidden-tech] Getting US news in China

Chris Hoogendyk hoogendyk at bio.umass.edu
Mon Jul 8 02:26:34 UTC 2019

I was in China for three weeks in March and April. I had a UMass owned loaner laptop that had all 
the standard UMass apps installed, including a vpn to UMass. Academics I know at Sichuan University 
also use vpn software to get out of China. I had the easy way out, but you should research vpn 
options and see what will work for you.

On 6/27/19 4:15 PM, Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Has anyone been to China recently?  I've heard that Google, the New York Times and the Washington Post are all blocked in China now.
> I'm going in the fall, and I really don't want to miss three whole weeks of our national drama and be bewildered when I come home.
> Even if you don't know much about the Chinese firewall, can anyone think of a reliable website for US news that is unlikely to be banned by the Chinese Government?  Maybe because it's small and obscure?
> I know there's something called a VPN that can sometimes get around the restrictions, but I fear I'm not techie enough to install that on my phone or laptop and troubleshoot it if it messes me up.
> Thanks for any tips.
> Marcia Yudkin
> www.yudkin.com
> Goshen
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Chris Hoogendyk

    O__  ---- Systems Administrator
   c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geosciences Departments
  (*) \(*) -- 315 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

<hoogendyk at bio.umass.edu>


Erdös 4


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