[Hidden-tech] HT list now on Amazon servers

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Tue Jan 22 22:24:14 UTC 2019

Thanks for the hard work, Rich, and the update!

Gotta make sure you hit *Reply to All* from now on, otherwise the reply 
will only go to the original poster.



Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
50 Miles Street, Greenfield, MA

On 1/22/2019 5:16 PM, Rich Roth via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> After almost 20 years on Crocker servers and the offer from Matt to 
> keep the list running for the past year until I was able to finish the 
> move, the list is now on an EC2 micro instance.
> The new setup in a newer version of Mailman which allows the sender's 
> email to be on the outgoing messages as the reply-to address - this 
> limits spam blocking and still allows direct off list replies.
> Warning: Amazon EC2 servers normally have port 25 rate limited, unless 
> you ask for it to be removed.
> Which takes about 24 hours to get processed
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