[Hidden-tech] Book editing

Mark D. Hamill markdhamill at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 22:47:57 UTC 2019

My gig is principally servicing the phpBB forum community. I'm working on a
book, probably to be self published, to help phpBB forum administrators.
I've asked a couple of tech book publishers, but it's too specialized to be
marketable, apparently.

A draft is done and I'm editing it. I would like to have it professionally
edited, but as I don't expect it to sell a huge number of copies, I can't
quite justify spending large sums on editing it, probably something basic
to clean it up and maybe format it better as it is pretty linear. Any
royalties I expect will be in the four figure range, if it gets that high.

So I'm looking for recommendations for an editor of technical books and
maybe for marketing it too. I get plenty of hits on my website so I suspect
most people will buy it there, but I'm new to the whole eBook thing and how
to market it so some help there would be nice.

Right now it's just a 300 page or so document in LibreOffice Writer.

Appreciate any qualified leads.
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