[Hidden-tech] Looking for a freelance web designer/developer asap

Alan Hurwitz ahalink at comcast.net
Wed Aug 7 17:05:36 UTC 2019

Hi Lindsay,

Bill Cole at Tiger Web Design is terrific - a real top quality act, and super easy and fun to work with. His email is Bill Cole <bill at tigerwebdesigns.com>. 

He did my website, which you can check-out if you like. It’s at alanhurwitzassociates.com.

Good luck finding thew right person for this.


> On Aug 7, 2019, at 7:36 AM, Lindsey Topham via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> Hi hidden tech friends -- 
> I am looking for a freelance website designer/developer to redo a website for a local chain of convenience stores here in western mass. Local would be ideal but not necessary. The project has a tight deadline and will likely lead to more work.
> Please share any recommendations with me when you can, or if you are a designer/developer, do be in touch!
> Thank you!
> Lindsey
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