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The CIA had Tamerlan Tsarnaev's name put into a terror watchlist after 
being contacted by Russian authorities in 2011, sources told Fox News -- 
raising more questions about why the Boston bomber's trip to Russia the 
following year didn't raise more red flags.Sources say the Russians contacted 
the FBI once in March 2011, and several months later they contacted 
the CIA about Tsarnaev.In October 2011, the CIA sent information to many 
federal agencies and to "the watchlisting system" about him, the sources 
say. That step ultimately put him on the vast TIDE database of 
people potentially tied to terrorism cases.The FBI has said previously that 
it was told Tsarnaev was a "follower of radical Islam" and was 
preparing to travel to a foreign country to join unspecified underground 
groups. The FBI said that it responded by interviewing Tsarnaev and family 
members, but found no terrorism activity.In early 2012, Tsarnaev would travel 
to Russia for six months. The nature of that trip is still 
unclear.Two top Republican senators are now calling for a Senate Homeland 
Security Committee hearing on the Boston Marathon bombings, as lawmakers 
question whether enough was done to prevent the attack.Sens. John McCain, 
R-Ariz., and Kelly Ayotte, R-NH, requested the hearing Wednesday, saying 
"it has become increasingly apparent that more questions need to be answered 
regarding the failure to prevent this tragedy."The senators cited the reporting 
by Fox News an
Thursday, April 25, on the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas, 
Texas, four living presidents  Jimmy Carter, No. 39; George H.W. Bush, 
No. 41; Bill Clinton, No. 42, and Barack Obama, No. 44  
will honor one of their colleagues, George W. Bush, the 43rd president 
of the United States, at the dedication of his presidential library.So I 
take this occasion to remind my fellow liberal Democrats, many of whom 
continue to attack Bush in harsh and personal terms, of three things 
about him that I dont think they understand or appreciate.First, while there 
were many polices under Bush with which liberal Democrats (myself included) 
disagreed  such as tax cuts, the Iraq War and not paying 
for either (as well as the Afghan war) with current revenues rather 
than borrowed money  there must be a distinction between disagreement and 
personal attack.For example, many Democrats still use the lie word in describing 
Bushs rationale for the Iraq War  that Saddam Hussein had weapons 
of mass destruction. This turned out to be wrong.But Democrats in the 
Clinton administration also believed Saddam had WMDs, as did most experts 
in the U.S. intelligence community.Our politics have become so poisoned 
and our government so dysfunctional precisely because too many people  on 
both sides  cant make a distinction between lies and being sincerely 
wrong.Second, Bush is known for his brilliant slogan when he first ran 
in 2000, describing himself as a compassionat
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