Charles Uchu Strader charles at gaiahost.coop
Tue Jun 1 17:40:37 EDT 2010

It's been a while coming, but there is not a opt-in, US based 
certification program for electronics recyclers.

There are not yet any certified recyclers in Massachusetts, but there 
are a few that have made a pledge to certain stewardship criteria.


This sort of thing is really important as the improper handling, 
endangers people and the environment locally, as well as globally.

I've wondered what "market streams" most towns send their electronics 
recycling into... Does anybody know?

Charles Uchu Strader
charles at gaiahost.coop 1-800-672-8060 x803
GAIA Host Collective, LLC    http://www.gaiahost.coop

        "Reliable Internet hosting services
    from a worker-owned cooperative dedicated to
      environmental and social sustainability."



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