[Hidden-tech] push on for broadband in Franklin County

A - Z International az at a-zinternational.com
Sat Oct 27 10:22:43 EDT 2007

Hi all,

If this bill passes there could be relief for many of you in Franklin 
County, so if you have time get to your state rep/senator NOW and 
push. I know that Aaron Goldman, along with government and business 
leaders, have fought hard for this measure for as long as Hidden-Tech 
has been alive. They need your help.

Governor Patrick unveils plan for $25 million Broadband Incentive 
Fund, targeting 31 unserved communities in Western Massachusetts

If plan wins approval of Legislature, investments will be made to 
spur technology-neutral, public-private partnerships to bring 
affordable access to high-speed Internet


Amy Zuckerman
Hidden-Tech Founder


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