[Hidden-tech] Blogger vs. Wordpress

Tish Grier tishgrier at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 9 11:56:41 EDT 2007

Well, which blog platform you choose could have more to do with your level of comfort with blog terminology than it does with whether or not to use Blogger over Wordpress...
  With Wordpress, there's Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org.  Wordpress.org is great if you are a web desinger and like to tinker a lot with your template and other stuff.  I
  If you don't have the time, or aren't a deisnger (I refuse to say not tech savvy--there are varying levels of tech savvy that have nothing to do with whether or not you can build a website or blog from the bottom up)  then you may want to play a bit with Wordpress.com and Blogger--go in to each, goof around with them (they're both free and don't have to be searchable if you don't want them to be) feel them out to see which ones are speaking your language--that is, which one has the shortest learning curve and is easiest to use.  (you can also check out "Blogging for Dummies"--a fairly comprehensive book with good hints about most blog software)
  Both Wp and B allow you to have your own domain for your blog--your not stuck with the .blogspot.com or the .wordpress.com extensions.
  Both Wordpress and Blogger can be incorporated into existing websites (Max H. has used Blogger blogs for his Go Nomad site, but Bacon and Wilson's used Wordpress on theirs.)   They have different templates, but are searchable the same way (one doesn't have better SEO than the other--not that I know of.  Blog SEO dependes on the amount of content as blogs register differently in Google and search in general)  
  Some folks say that Wordpress is more stable than Blogger.  But WP's had outages too.  Blogger--the company--in their merger with Google did some funky things to some templates in order to weed out splogs.  However Google's algorithm can flush you from the search engines too--for lots of vague reasons, not that you're doing anything funky with your site.  Thus, we are all at the mercy of Google.  
  The only way, David, to know exactly which package might be good for you specificially is to either play with each or talk over what you want to do with a consultant who can then sort out with you what your particular needs are and help you pick the right one.  If you don't have the money for a consultant, just check the different platforms out for yourself.
  Along with Amy, I've also advised Giannina Silverman on starting her new fashion blog, and gave some quick advice to voice-over artist Mary McKittrick (sorry if I spelled that wrong, Mary)  and CB Wittemore (a flooring expert for Solutia who's done pretty well with her blog, too.)   I'm away from home right now or I'd provide the links--sorry!
  Hope that helps,

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Hi tech wizards...

Time for me to set up a few blogs to my business. One may be the basis of most of the content on one new site.

The two ways I know about are Blogger and Wordpress. Blogger seems to be pretty transparent and easy to set up. Wordpress, I assume, has a learning curve and it needs to be setup on my host's server.

I'd love some input from experienced web wizards and bloggers on pros, cons, best for a particular purpose, etc.

Thanx so much.
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