[Hidden-tech] Need some help with EBay

Tish Grier tishgrier at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 10 16:26:43 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,

I'm in the process of moving, and I'm dying to unload
a whole bunch of stuff that really can't be unloaded
at a regualar garage sale or through donation.  I know
that eBay's probably the best place to do it--however,
I just don't have the time to spend trying to unravel

Does anyone know of anyone who is familiar with eBay
and could possibly help me de-tangle its mysteries--or
if there's an eBay "agent" in the area? (it's a new
field, but I thought, at one time, I'd seen an
ad/announcement for one.)

thanks so much,
Tish Grier

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