[Hidden-tech] New Year's Day party for film buffs

A - Z International az at a-zinternational.com
Mon Dec 20 10:00:20 EST 2004

Hi all,

Anyone who loves film and wants to come to a very, very casual film clip 
party at my house on New Year's day -- 2 - 5 pm. -- reach me directly at 
az at a-zinternational.com.

The idea is to bring two or three of your favorite films (I can take videos 
or DVDs) and select a 10-minute clip of your favorite moment. Be prepared 
to offer a short synopsis of the plot in case others don't know the film. 
Here are a few of mine:

The scene in AVALON where the elderly brother is distraught because the 
family "cut the turkey" without him

The dream sequence in VERTIGO

Most of A KING OF HEARTS, but I'll have to narrow that one down

If it sounds fun, you're welcome with your film clips. There's room here 
for at least 30 and I'll have light refreshments.

This is NOT an official Hidden-Tech event. Just an AZ concoction.


Amy Zuckerman
Hidden-Tech founder, co-chair


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